来源: 时间:2023年07月17日
第一章 定名
第二章 宗旨
本会馆成立的宗旨在于:联络晋江人士的感情,为会员乡亲谋福利;推广传统 中华文化;促进种族和谐;协助新移民融入社会。
第三章 办事处
本会馆注册地址在新加坡武吉巴梳路,门牌廿九号,邮区 089843,此属会馆 产业。
第四章 会员
凡居住在新加坡祖籍晋江地区人士,须是新加坡公民或永久居民,不分性别, 品行端正,年龄在廿一岁或以上,愿遵守章程及一切议决案者,皆可申请加入 成为本会馆会员。
第五章 会员之义务
5.1 本会馆会员应尽下列之义务:
(a) 入会时应缴入会费拾元(一次性)
(b) 每年缴交年捐贰拾元。
(c) 遵守本会馆章程及一切议决案。
(d) 协助本会馆推动会务。
(e) 协助本会馆筹募经费。
5.2 会员的年捐,每年必须交清。如连续两年未缴交年捐者,执行委员会有权
5.3 在选举委员会未印好会员名录前还清年捐者,其会员资格得以恢复之。
5.4 无故拖欠年捐而丧失其会员资格,其后要恢复资格必须经执行委员会通过。
第六章 会员的权利
6.1 本会馆会员可享有下列权利:
(a) 有选举及被选举权。
(b) 对本会馆之会务发展与革新有建议权。
(c) 在不违反法律的情况下,有权要求会馆协助处理任何与会外人士的纠纷。
(d) 有权享有章程中及议案所规定之一切权利。
第七章 会员之入会与退会
7.1 申请入会者:
凡欲申请加入本会馆为会员者,须有一位会员做介绍人,填妥申请表格,送交本会馆秘书处,并附上所应缴交入会费及年捐,经执委会批准后, 即可成为本会馆之会员。
7.2 申请退会者:
(a) 欲退会者,请书面通知会馆。
(b) 凡会员有违反会馆章程,或一切议决案,及损害本会馆名誉者,经执委会 劝导后,仍旧不改,执委会有权开除其会籍。
第八章 组织
8.1 本会馆以会员大会为最高权力机构,有权成立并授权予各委员会去推动会务。
8.2 会馆由执行委员会负责推动会务,执行委员会由不超过37名执行委员组成。
8.3 常务委员会由正会长、两名副会长、五名常务委员组成。
8.4 执委会的新组别:
8.5 互助部正主任一名与副主任二名,由该部自行选任。
8.6 执行委员会设一秘书处,秘书处的工作人员,其人选及薪俸,由会长、秘书长、财政共同决定。
8.7 本会馆设立产业信托委员会与基金信托委员会,分别负责保管本会产业与基金。产业信托委员定为七名,基金信托委员定为五名。人选由执行委员会推荐德高望重的会员担任(唯执委不得兼任),并提交会员大会通过。在任内若有人逝世或辞职时,由执行委员会从速推选德高望重的会员递补之,再提交来届会员大会追认。
8.8 本会馆职员除秘书处职员有薪金外,余者均为义务性质。
第九章 职权
9.1 本会馆最高权力机关为会员大会,其职权如下:
(a) 接纳并实行委员会之报告与提案。
(b) 负责修改本会馆章程。
(c) 决定本会馆之会务发展与革兴。
(d) 选出执行委员与查账员。
9.2 执行委员会的职权如下:
(a) 对外代表本会馆
(b) 对内执行会员大会之决议及处理一切会务。
(c) 处理本会馆的财务与管理本会馆产业和基金。
(d) 处理及批准妇女组与青年团的活动。
9.3 执行委员会所议决之一切议案,除专属各股者,分别交由各股处理外,其余皆由执委会推选的执委负责执行。
9.4 常务委员会主席负责保管会馆之印章及一切产业之重要文件,如需发出任何文件,须由主席或副主席或任何一位常务委员签名方为有效。在主席缺席的情况下,可由副主席或任何一位常务委员代签。
9.5 执行委员会休会期间,常务委员会有权处理紧急事项,但事后应向执行委员会提呈报告以追认。
9.6 凡执行委员会会议及常务委员会会议,均由会长主持,若会长缺席时,由一名副会长代理之。正副会长缺席时,须由会议推举的任何一位执委主持会议。
9.7 执行委员遇有会务上与本人利益发生关系时,应提呈报告,并于会议时退席以避嫌疑,若有匿而不报者,需接受相关纪律处分。
9.8 各组之职权如下:
(a)秘书组 (Secretariat Committee)
(b)财政及产业组 (Finance & Assets Committee)
(c)文化及教育组 (Culture & Education Committee)
(d)会员及社会服务组 (Members & Social Service Committee)
(e) 宣传组 (Publicity Committee)
(f)社团及海外联系组 (Clans & International Liaison Committee)
(g)康乐活动组 (Recreation Activities Committee)
9.9 “产业信托委员会”负责保管会馆产业,无权买卖或抵押会馆的任何产业。
第十章 会议
10.1 本会馆会议分为下列六种:
(a) 常年会员大会;
(b) 特别会员大会;
(c) 执行委员会会议
(d) 常务委员会会议
(e) 执行委员与各组联席会议;
(f) 各组会议。
10.2 本会馆常年会员大会定于每年三月底之前举行,由执行委员会召集之,报告去年的会务活动与财政收支,及今年之会务发展计划。
10.3 本会馆特别会员大会,经执行委员会认为必要,或超过三十五名会员之书面要求,均可召集之。特别会员大会应在接到召开特别会员大会请求后一个月内召开。
10.4 会员大会的举行必须有至少五十名会员出席始构成法定人数,并须超过半数出席的会员同意始能通过任何决议案。如出席人数未达到法定人数时,须延后半小时举行,到时不论出席人数多少均构成法定人数。 唯人数不足五十名时,不得修改章程。
10.5 若执行委员会在收到书面请求后一个月内未召开特别会员大会,提出请求的会员应给予所有会员十天的通知,并且说明所要处理的事项,同时将议程张贴在会馆的布告栏上然后召开该特别会员大会。
10.6 执行委员会每三个月举行一次,如遇有重要事件或执行委员会认为必要时,可召开临时会议。只要有半数委员会出席即构成法定人数,并以多数票同意即可通过议决案。
10.7 常务委员会会议无定期,于必要时由常务委员会主席召集之,开会时以委员过半数之同意,即可通过议决案。
10.8 必要时,会长有权召开执行委员会与各组联席会议。
第十一章 选举
11.1 执行委员会委员从正式会员提名的候选人中选出。执行委员会在任期届满一个月前,应成立选举委员会,选举委员会人数应由当届执行委员会决定。选举委员会应从其自身成员中选举出一位主任。选举委员会成立后的一周将被指定为提名周。选举委员会应在提名周前一周将一份提名表格连同会员名单发送给最新的会员名单上所列的所有会员。
11.2 选举方式:
11.3 每两位会员可联合提名一位候选人(唯每位会员只可提名一次),提名时须采用选举委员会所规定的提名表格。提名表格须在提名周内呈交选举委员会。
11.4 在提名周结束时,选举委员会应将候选人名单及选票(若需要)一起寄给每位会员。
11.5 若只有29名候选人被提名,这些候选人将被视为入选执行委员会。
11.6 若获提名候选人超过29名,就必须进行票选,每位会员只能从候选人名单选出29名候选人,由得票最多者当选执委。
11.7 若两名或以上候选人获得的票数相等,选举委员会主席将抽签决定哪位候选人当选。
11.8 若候选人退出,新一届执行委员会有权推举适当会员人选填补空缺。
11.9 当届执行委员会将职务移交给新任执委后,选举委员会应立即解散。
第十二章 任期与辞职
12.1 本会馆执行委员会每届任期两年,任满改选后可以连任,唯财政不得连任,会长也只能连任三届,产业信托委员与基金信托委员的任期无限。
12.2 本会馆每届新执行委员会宣誓就职之日,旧执行委员会须将重要印章、文件、契券、协议、簿据、办理移交,不得拖延过新执行委员会就职后两星期。所有各项文件簿据于移交后三个月内如查出有遗漏差错,旧执行委员会仍应负全责。
12.3 执行委员会任职日期计算,即以全体执行委员会宣誓就职之日起,计足两周年,新执行委员会就职之期,不得超过旧执行委员会任满的一个月。
12.4 本会馆执委如有损害本会馆名誉,或未尽责者,执行委员有权令其自动退任,或将其免职。
12.5 执委如患病或因事提出辞职者,须正式具函向执委会请准。
第十三章 经费与财政
13.1 本会馆经费由产业收益、会员年捐及特别捐支付之,如有不敷者可向会员筹募抵之,不得动用基金。
13.2 本会馆日常或特别费用每项在一千元以下者,各股主任有权批准。在五千元及以下者,会长有权批准开支。在五千元以上及一万元以下者,须经执行委员会批准
13.3 本会特别费用在一万元以上至三万元 ,执行委员会有权决定,但事后须提呈会员大会追认。
13.4 本会特别费用在三万元以上者,需要提交会员大会表决获得授权。
13.5 本会馆所有款项须存入银行来往户口。财政股所存现款不得超过五百元。
13.6 本会馆签发的银行支票,须由以下A 组和B组中各一人共同签名方生效:
13.7 本会馆自用的产业销售须获得会员大会批准。欲召开会员大会,必须于
13.8 若会馆需要动用任何基金,须经执委会通过,且要会员大会批准。
第十四章 奖励
14.1 凡会员对本会馆做出巨大贡献者,可由执行委员会推荐及批准,向该会员授予荣誉名衔。
第十五章 附则
15.1 本会馆不得有违反本国政府法律及一切不正当之行为如:
(a) 会馆内不得有任何形式的赌博:不准拥有赌具或嗜毒用具:同时不准行为不当者进入。
(b) 会馆的财产不得用来支付任何会员因诉讼遭法庭判处的罚款。
(c) 本会馆不得参与任何职工会之活动
(d) 本会馆不得籍故举办任何有奖彩票之活动,除非得到有关当局的批准。
(e) 本会馆不得以其会所或基金,作为参与任何政治活动的用途。
(f) 会馆不得在未获得Asst Director Operations of Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force或其他有关当局的书面许可前,向公众筹款。
15.2 章程如有未尽妥善之处,可由执行委员会增删修改之,但须经会员大会通过,呈报社团注册处核准方为有效。
第十六章 查账
16.1 查账员两名,应由会员大会中选出,任期两年,不得连任,并于会员大会提呈会馆经查核的财政报告书,并随时接受会长的指示,稽查账务,以便呈报给有关当局审查。
16.2 根据社团法令第四条:
(a) 如果会馆的全年总收入与开支超过50万元,必须由特许会计师(CPA)审核。
(b) 会长需随时稽查会馆账目,并向执委会报告。
(c) 财政年度从1月1日至12月31日。
第十七章 解散
17.1 会馆的解散,须召开特别会员大会,经五分之三以上,当时居住在新加坡之会员通过,方为有效。
17.2 倘经上述合法手续解散后,首先必须清理在法律上应负的各种债务:倘有余款,须转捐给慈善机构。
17.3 倘本会馆拟行解散,应于七日内,将有关解散文件呈交社团注册官。
第十八章 英文版本优先
18.1 如果中文版本章程与英文版本章程发生冲突,应以英文版本为准。
第十九章 章程的修订
19.1 此章程已于2021年3月28日会员大会通过,并已获得新加坡社团注册局批准。




1. The registered name of the Association is “Singapore Chin Kang Huay Kuan”.


2. The objects for which the Association is formed are:-
The objects of the Association are to foster the friendly relations among the residents of Chin Kang District; to promote the welfare of the members and educational undertakings; and to preserve and develop the fine traditional values of the Zhonghua culture.
(a) To foster friendly relations with residents of the Chin Kang County (also known as Jinjiang County) and to promote the welfare of its Members.
(b) To promote traditional Chinese culture.
(c) To promote racial harmony.
(d) To help integration of new immigrants to Singapore.


3. The registered place of business of the Association shall be at 29 Bukit Pasoh Road, Singapore 089843, which is the Association’s own property.


4. Any person residing in Singapore, regardless of gender, who can trace his ancestry to the Chin Kang County, who is a citizen or permanent resident of Singapore, who is of good character and who is or above the age of twenty-one years and is willing to abide by these Rules and all resolutions of the Association, may apply to join the Association as a Member.


5.1 The duties of the Members are as follows:-
(a) To pay a one-time admission fee of ten dollars ($10) or such other admission fee as determined by the General Meeting on recommendation from the Executive Committee from time to time.
(b) To pay an annual subscription fee of twenty dollars ($20) or such other annual subscription as determined by the General Meeting on recommendation Executive Committee from time to time.
(c) To abide by the rules and all resolutions of the Association.
(d) To assist the Association in the promotion of its various affairs.
(e) To assist the Association in raising funds to meet its expenses.
5.2 Members must pay their annual subscription in full each year. If a Member is in arrears with his annual subscription, for up to two (2) years, the Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend his rights and privileges (including the right to vote and the right to be elected) or to revoke his membership.
5.3 If, however, the arrears are paid before the membership list is printed by the Election Committee, the membership of the Member concerned shall be reinstated.
5.4 Any Member who wishes to have his membership reinstated, having had his membership revoked because of arrears in annual subscription fee, must first seek the approval of the Executive Committee.
5.5 The Executive Committee may exempt a Member from annual subscription for one (1) year if he is unemployed and has given an explanation in writing to the Executive Committee.


6.1 The rights and privileges of the Members are as follows:
(a) To have the right to vote and the right to be elected.
(b) To make suggestions for the general progress of the Association.
(c) To have the right of requesting the Association to assist in any proper dealing with outsiders.
(d) To have the right of enjoying all privileges specified in the rules and regulations and the resolutions of the Association.


7.1 Admission of Members:-
All applicants for membership of the Association shall complete a membership application form which shall include an introduction by an existing Member and shall submit the form together with payment of the applicable entrance fee and the annual subscription fee to the Secretariat. After approval by the Executive Committee, the applicant shall become a member.
7.2 Resignation of Members:-
(a) A Member who wishes to resign from the Association has to submit a formal letter of resignation.
(b) Should any Member violate the rules and resolutions of the Association, or damage the good reputation of the Association, the Member shall be subjected to reprimand by the Executive Committee. If the Member remains unrepentant or repeats his wrongdoings, the Executive Committee shall be entitled to terminate the membership of the Member.


8.1 The General Meeting shall be the highest organ of the Association which shall be entitled to delegate its powers to various committees to manage the affairs of the Association.
8.2 The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee, which shall comprise not more than thirty-seven (37) Members.
8.3 The Standing Committee shall consist of One (1) President, three (3) Vice Presidents and five (5) Standing Committee Members.
8.4 Key members of The Executive Committee are:-
One (1) President
Three (3) Vice Presidents
One (1) Head of Secretariat Committee
One (1) Head of Finance & Assets Committee
One (1) Head of Culture & Education Committee
One (1) Head of Members & Social Service Committee
One (1) Head of Publicity Committee
One (1) Head of Clans & International Liaison Committee
One (1) Head of Recreation Activities Committee
One (1) Head of Mutual Help Committee
(Total 12)
8.5 The Chairman and two Vice Chairman of the Mutual Help Committee shall be elected by its own committee members.
8.6 The Executive Committee shall set up a Secretariat, whose staffing and remuneration shall be determined by the Chairman of the Executive Committee and the supervisor of the General Affairs and Finance.
8.7 The Association shall set up a Property Trust Committee and a Trust Funds Committee to take charge of its property and funds respectively.
The Property Trust Committee shall consist of seven (7) members and the Trust Funds Committee shall consist of five (5) members.
The Executive Committee shall nominate distinguished Members (who are not members of the Executive Committee) as Property Trustees and/or the Trust Funds Trustees and such nomination shall be ratified by the General Meeting. In the event of death or resignation of any of the Property Trustees or the Trust Funds Trustees, the Executive Committee shall immediately nominate replacement(s) and submit their nomination to the next General Meeting for ratification.
8.8 Apart from the staff of the Secretariat who are to be paid, all office bearers of the Association are not to be remunerated.


9.1 The supreme authority of the Association is vested in a General Meeting of the members. It’s powers are as follows:
(a) To receive and implement the reports and proposals of the Executive Committee.
(b) To make amendments to the rules and regulations of the Association.
(c) To decide on measures to be taken for the progress of the Association.
(d) To elect members of the Executive Committee and Auditors.
9.2 The powers of the Executive Committee are:-
(a)To represent the Association .
(b) To carry out the resolutions of the General Meeting and the various affairs of the Association.
(c) To manage the finance of the Association as well as to take charge of the property and funds of the Association.
(d) To manage and approve the activities of the Women’s and Youth’s Division.
9.3 The resolutions and decisions of the Executive Committee shall be carried out by the respective committees responsible for such matters save for any other matters that are specifically delegated to individual Executive Committee member(s).
9.4 The Chairman of the Standing Committee shall keep in custody the true seal and the important deeds of the Association’s property. In issuing any document, the Chairman shall sign it jointly with either the Vice-Chairman or with a Standing Committee member. In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall sign it jointly with a Standing Committee member before being valid.
9.5 The Standing Committee may act and decide on urgent matters but such decisions are to be submitted to the Executive Committee for ratification.
9.6 The Chairman of the Executive Committee and Standing Committee shall preside over the meetings. In the absence of any Vice-Chairman shall preside. In their absence, any other Executive Committee Member, elected by the meeting shall preside.
9.7 Whenever an Executive Committee Member has a conflict of interest in a matter to be discussed at any meeting, the member shall disclose the nature of his interest before the discussion on the matter begins and shall withdraw from that meeting. Any Executive Committee Member who knowingly conceals such conflict of interest shall be subjected to disciplinary action.
9.8 Various Committees are:
(a) Secretariat Committee
(b) Finance & Assets Committee
(c) Culture & Education Committee
(d) Members & Social Service Committee
(e) Publicity Committee
(f) Clans & International Liaison Committee
(g) Recreation Activities Committee
9.9 The Property Trustees shall be responsible for safeguarding the property of the Association, and shall have no right to dispose or encumber any real property of the Association.
9.10 The Trust Funds Trustees shall be responsible for safeguarding the various trust funds of the Association.


10.1 There are six (6) types of meetings in the Association:-
(a) The Annual General Meeting.
(b) The Extraordinary General Meeting
(c) The Executive Committee Meeting.
(d) The Standing Committee Meeting.
(e) Joint Meeting of the Executive Committee and the various Committees.
(f) Meeting of the various Committees.
10.2 The Executive Committee shall convene an Annual General Meeting to be held before the 31st day of March of each calendar year, and at such meeting provide a report on the affairs and financial status of the Association for the previous year as well as the plans for the next year.
10.3 An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held when convened by the Executive Committee to deal with urgent matters or upon the requisition of at least thirty-five (35) Members and such Extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within one month of it being requisitioned.
10.4 The quorum for a General Meeting is fifty (50) Members and all resolutions may be passed by a simple majority vote of the Members present. Where there are insufficient Members to form a quorum, the General Meeting shall be postponed for half an hour, after which those present shall be constitute a quorum. No amendment of the rules of the Association is permissible where the applicable quorum of the General Meeting is less than fifty (50) Members.
10.5 Should the Executive Committee fail to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting within one (1) month upon receipt of the requisition by the Members, the requisitioning Members may convene such a meeting after giving a ten-day notice to all the other Members, informing them of the proposed agenda and placing the proposed agenda and retails of the meeting on the Association’s notice board.
10.6 The Executive Committee shall meet once in every three months unless there are urgent matters to attend to whereupon additional meetings may be held. The quorum for all Executive Committee meetings is at least half its number and all matters are to be decided by a simple majority of Executive Committee members at any of its meetings.
10.7 Standing Committee Meetings are convened as and when required by the Chairman of the Standing Committee. The quorum for standing Committee Meeting is at least half its number and all matters are to be decided by a simple majority of standing Committee Members at any of its meetings.
10.8 If deemed necessary, the Chairman shall convene the Joint Meeting of the Executive Committee and the various sections and department.
10.9 Executive Committee Members shall not absent themselves without valid reason, from the various meetings of the Association. They should send in written application for leave of absence if they are unable to attend meetings. Barring exceptional circumstances, absence from three (3) consecutive meetings shall be considered as violation of these Rules, and the violating member shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the Executive Committee and a successor may be co-opted by the Executive Committee to serve until the next Annual General Meeting.


11.1 One month before the expiration of its term of office, the outgoing Executive Committee shall appoint an Election Committee from amongst its members, whose composition shall be decided by the outgoing Executive Committee.
The Election Committee shall elect a chairperson from among its members and to send out blank nomination forms and a listing of its latest Membership to all such eligible Members. The nomination form will provide a week ("Nomination Week") for eligible Members to nominate other eligible Members for election to the Executive Committee.
11.2 Manner of election:
The initial twenty nine (29) Executive Committee Members are to be nominated and elected by the Members.
11.3 Each candidate for election to the Executive Committee must be nominated by two other Members (each Member can only make one nomination) using the nomination forms prescribed by the Election Committee. The completed nomination forms must be submitted to the Election Committee during Nomination Week.
11.4 The Election Committee shall send out the list of nominated candidates, and if necessary a voting paper, to every Member at the end of the nomination week.
11.5 If only twenty-nine (29) candidates are nominated for election to the Executive Committee, all nominated candidates shall be deemed elected as Executive Committee Members.
11.6 If more than twenty-nine (29) candidates are nominated for election to the Executive Committee, an election shall be conducted and the top 29 candidates with the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected as Executive Committee Members.
11.7 In the event of equal votes between two or more candidates, the chairperson of the Election Committee shall draw lots to determine which of them shall be declared elected.
11.8 In the event that an elected candidate withdraws, the newly elected Executive Committee has the power to co-opt another member into the Executive Committee.
11.9 The Election Committee shall be dissolved after the outgoing Executive Committee Members hand over their duties to the incoming Executive Committee Members accordingly.
11.10 The incoming elected 29 Executive Committee Members shall elect among themselves, by secret ballot, the Chairman and all the other office-bearers of the Standing Committee and the Executive Committee. Such election shall take place before the outgoing Executive Committee Members hand over their duties to the incoming Executive Committee Members.


12.1 Each term of office of the Executive Committee shall be two years. Except for Head of Finance & Assets Committee. All the other office-bearers of the Executive Committee may continue to hold office if re-elected but the President of the Executive Committee shall not serve for more than three consecutive terms. The terms of office of the Property Trust Committee and Trust Funds Committee shall be indefinite.
12.2 Upon the swearing-in of the incoming office-bearers, the outgoing office-bearers shall hand over all important seals, documents, deeds, agreements, account books etc. and shall not delay longer than two weeks after the assumption of office of the incoming office-bearers. Should any discrepancy be discovered within three (3) months from the handing over of the documents etc., the outgoing office-bearers shall be responsible for the same.
12.3 The period of the term of office of the Executive Committee shall begin from the day of the swearing-in of the entire Executive Committee until two years have expired. The incoming Executive Committee shall assume office no later than one month after the expiration of the term of office of the outgoing Executive Committee.
12.4 In the event that any Executive Committee Member is found to have damaged the reputation of the Association or in dereliction of his duties, the Executive Committee shall first allow him to resign on his own accord and if he fails to do so, the Executive Committee shall be entitled to dismiss him from all his positions in the Association.
12.5 An Executive Committee Member who wishes to resign for ill health or other circumstances has to tender a formal resignation to the Executive Committee.


13.1 The expenses of the Association shall be met by the income from its property, annual subscription fees and special subscriptions. Should the Association be short of funds, a subscription may be raised among Members to meet the exigency, but the trust funds shall not be used.
13.2 The Chairman of each Committee may approve all ordinary expenditure below $1,000.00. The Chairman of the Executive Committee can approve any expenditure below $5,000.00. The Executive Committee can approve any expenditure below $10,000.00.
13.3 The Executive Committee shall approve any extraordinary expenditure that is more than $10,000.00 and up to $30,000.00, provided that such expenditure shall be submitted for ratification at the next General Meeting.
13.4 Any extraordinary expenditure of more than $30,000.00 shall be submitted to the vote of the General Meeting by means of a motion which shall seek to authorise such expenditure.
13.5 The cash on hand held by the Finance Section shall not exceed $500.The excess shall be deposited in a bank.
13.6 All cheques shall be jointly signed by one (1) person from each of the following groups A and B:
(A) President and two Vice President
(B) Head of Finance & Assets Committee and two deputies of Finance & Assets Committee
13.7 Any sale of the property occupied and owned by the Association (29 Bukit Pasoh Road Singapore 089843) shall require the prior approval of the General Meeting. Before such a General Meeting can be convened, a notice of meeting together with the agenda shall be published in a local Chinese newspaper at least two weeks in advance. A minimum of one-third of the total membership shall be present to form a quorum and resolutions may only be passed with a two-third (2/3) majority of the members present and voting. The use of surplus funds for the purchase of the real property shall not be subject to the restrictions under this rule and may be dealt with accordingly by the Executive Committee, but shall still require the prior approval of the General Meeting under rule 10.4.
13.8 Any use of the Association’s trust funds must first be approved by the Executive Committee, and subsequently by the General Meeting.


14. A Member who has made a special contribution to the Association may be conferred the title of Honorary Member by the Executive Committee. He has the rights to vote and to hold office.


15.1 No activities shall be conducted which are in violation of the law or which are improper. The prohibitions are as follows:-
(a) Gambling of any kind, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the Private Lotteries Act Cap 250, is forbidden on the Association's premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.
(b) The funds of the Association shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in court of law.
(c) The Association shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.
(d) The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Society or its office‑bearers, Committee or members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.
(e) The Association shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for any political purposes.
(f) The Association shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Assistant Director Operations, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities, where necessary.


16.1 Two voting members, not members of the Committee, will be elected as Honorary Auditors at the Annual General Meeting, whose term of office will be for two years and may not be re-elected for consecutive terms. The accounts of the Association shall be audited by a firm of Certified Public Accountants if the gross income or expenditure of the Association exceeds $500,000 in that financial year, in accordance with Section 4 of the Societies Regulations.
16.2 They will be required to audit each year's account and present a report upon them at the Annual General Meeting. They may be required by the Chairman to audit the Association’s accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and make a report to the Committee.
16.3 The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.


17.1 The Association shall not be dissolved, except with the consent of not less than 3/5 of the total voting membership of the Association for the time being resident in Singapore expressed at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.
17.2 In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of the Association shall be fully discharged, and any remaining funds shall be donated to charitable organisation(s).
17.3 A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given within seven (7) days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.
----------------------------------------------- End -------------------------------------------

Approved by AGM of SCKHK on 28/03/2021

  • 29 Bukit Pasoh Road, #04-01, Singapore 089843
  • Tel: +65 6223 5913 / +65 6223 1952  Fax: +65 6227 8730
  • chinkang@singnet.com.sg